[checklist_in_post] Tool Kit Air Pump (fully charged) Fix-a-flat Tire Repair Kit NOCO Boost / Jump Starter (fully charged) Rok Straps & Bungies ZIP ties First-Aid kit Toilet paper Rags/Microfiber Towels (keep handy for glasses/helmet screen) Bug Slide/Glass Cleaner Kickstand Puck Registration for Bike Snacks – Powerbars, beefsteak, nuts, etc. Water Cooler/Hydration Ear plugs Tide Pods (for laundry) Towel/Washcloth (QuickDri) Sunscreen Toiletries (deodorant/toothbrush/paste/floss-picks/hairbrush/soap) Full-face helmet (for rain) Rain Gaiters Latex over-gloves (under-gloves) for rain Waterproof Riding Gloves Rain Pants Rain Jacket 1 pair of pants per 2 days of riding Essentials (1 for each day out) T-shirt/underwear/socks Extra shoes (comfy) Extra riding boots Swimsuit Ball Cap (or other sun hat) Light jacket Sunglasses Clear riding glasses Cash Antibacterial wipes Knife (utility) Flashlight (fresh batteries/fully charged) Meds (Tylenol, Pepto Chewables, Ibuprofen) Charging cords for iPhone, other electronics CPAP (roommates will thank you) [/checklist_in_post]